Stories of the men who have recovered hope at Prodigal recovery
"Sitting in a jail cell all I could think about was wanting to live a different way of life. Years and years of being in and out of institutions had taken a toll on me, my family, and my life. When I was released my first call was to Kris at Prodigal. Unfortunately, no beds were open. As I slept in a friend’s car in a parking lot, I was so close to going back to the life I knew too well.
By the grace of God, Kris called me and said there was a bed open. Being at prodigal gave me the opportunity to turn my life around. I was surrounded by guys who wanted a better life as much as I did. The atmosphere at Prodigal was more than any of us could ask for. More than just a halfway house, it became a brotherhood. The relationships formed there will last for years to come. Now over 2 years later my life is quite different than what it once was. No longer property of the state in any way for the first time in my adult life, I am a productive member of society now. I am a small business owner with a few employees. I am the man that I always knew I could be deep down in my gut. Most importantly, I am someone my family can be proud of and count on instead of being worried or scared of. Thank you Prodigal, I am forever grateful!"
"Having been in and out of practically all of the recovery houses available in Wilmington, I was excited to hear the enthusiasm and vision that Kris had for Prodigal. Prodigal Recovery was able to complement the outstanding recovery community that Wilmington offers with a family atmosphere when I would come home. I developed friendships and a bond with the people I lived with there that are still strong today. I recommend Prodigal to anyone looking for a fresh start."
"I arrived at prodigal recovery in the fall of 2017, after coming to the conclusion I could no longer carry on with my addiction to alcohol. My life was a mess, I had been drinking a half gallon of vodka a day for 10 years and came to the realization that I needed help. Luckily the help came in various forms and prodigal recovery was one of them! When you lean on something for so long “drugs and alcohol “ the house gave me guidance on how to live without them. Without structure and a helping hand I’m not sure I would be where I am today. Today I am over two years sober and doing things I would’ve never imagined. Over two years ago I couldn’t even sign my name on a piece of paper because my shaking was so bad. Know I am the head chef of a successful restaurant and ready for more. I spent a little over a year living at Prodigal and the fellowship and guidance I received there was the perfect place for me to start my new journey. Never thought I could feel this free."
"After years of hopeless active addiction, Prodigal was the place I found when I had nowhere else to go. Sitting in a treatment facility for the 3rd time, I was pretty desperate and felt like I was at the end of the road. In a last-ditch effort, I decided to give a recovery house a try and ended up at Prodigal. Initially, I thought that Prodigal would just be a roof over my head. This couldn’t have ended up being farther from the truth. The men at Prodigal and the structure of the house showed me how to be a functioning person again. The relationships I created allowed me to see that I could care about others and people cared about me. There really was a sense of family. I learned how to be of service to others and put my recovery first. The atmosphere and attitudes of the men in the house created the perfect environment for my first year of recovery. Today, I am a very different person than the hopeless man sitting in the treatment center. Today, I can show up and participate in my own life. I work full time and I am pursuing an engineering degree. I have meaningful relationships with friends and family. Most of all I have a sense of freedom from myself. These are things I never thought were possible and I attribute to twelve step recovery and my time at Prodigal. I am forever grateful for Prodigal and the lifelong family I created there."